Fikrete's Story
"Starting a business through Seeds of Africa's micro-finance program has brought a lot of positive changes for me and my whole family. I know have an attitude of “YES I CAN” in business making, female contribution in income generation and even leading the family." - Fikrete Fantave
Fikrete is the mother of a Seed's student and is an active participant in our Sowing Community trainings and seminars. Once completing business training and creating her Injera Baking business plan, Seeds approved her into the micro-finance program granting her 4500 birr. Before starting her business she depended on her husband to support the entire family on 600 birr/month. Through our program she is now making a net profit of 4000 birr/month, repaying her loan each month and putting additional money in savings.
These women are more than clients, we consider them our partners in creating a healthier and more self-sufficient Ethiopia and World. We #BelieveinHer!
We need your help in spreading the word about our #BelieveInHer campaign. Please share with your friends so we can continue to invest in more women!